Sunday 24 November 2013

My Memory photo explanation 25.11.13

My Memories. 
Kia ora  it is me again I am here to tell you about my favourite memories of my wonderful time at Richmond School. This year we had  Red Nose Day.We raised our money,to help others that needed help.On Daffodil day we all dressed in yellow, Room 3 raised $29.20 cent. We had to dress up for change day because we had to donate money for people that had cancer. In term one we did cycle safety which is about keeping safe on the road.This year the year six went on the road.They went to the outside of the school gates to do cycle safety.We did cycle safety for three days.
This year we are going to clip and climb in week eight.All of us have been composing music on garage band with Matua Paul our music teacher. I have enjoyed learning how to play the ukulele too.

The school is going to close down which is sad but qI am not worried at all because there is another fun year coming ahead of us.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Richmond School Gala

On Friday 8 November Richmond School held their Gala Celebrations. We were celebrating and thanking our community for all their support over the years. Room 3 began the day making flowers to give to the people that came to our gala. The flowers were very colourful and we made a lot of them. 
In the afternoon we helped set up the tables and chairs.We had photos from last year that we took outside so the people could see them.
Then we made popcorn and candy floss.Then the bouncy castle man came to set up the bouncy castle. Also a man came with the little cars and with the skateboards. The food included sausage sizzle, popcorn and candy floss. It was a good night.
There was more than 200 people at our gala.

Facts about the school

The school is 138 years old.The school opened in 1875.It used to be across the the road by the park before it was built on this site.

My opinion is I like the Richmond school because evreyone helped to set up.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Top Team Challenge 31.10.13

On Tuesday 29 October we had a top team challenge between 1pm to 2:30pm.The schools that came were Linwood north, Shirley primary, Banks Avenue,Seabrook Mackenzie.
There were ten activities named Egg and spoon race,sack race, jig saw puzzle,  plug the hole, and tower of blocks. There were more than hundred people competing. My teams colour was orange and in my team there were Hannah,Tai, Ngakiha,Kelly, Rahil and I.The challenge I really liked was the egg and spoon race.

I felt happy and it was very enjoyable. l liked the challenges because I had fun

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Flick it on Challenge 23.10.13

Hello it's me again and its the beginning of Term 4. My class and I are now doing a new project, it is a Flick it on Challenge. For our flick it on canllange we have had to make a silent movie.
It is a student collaborative film making challenge. We had to include the following - 
1.3:15 ( The time)!
2.A magic trick!
3.A Rubrick cube!
4. The movie had to one minute.
5. Each scene could only be 15 to 20 seconds long.
6. We had 4 scenes.
For our story we went to Ferrymead and Willow Bank because we had to film the Early European and Pre-European times there.
I was acting in the future scene. For the future scene we had little cases pretending they were IPods. We had a teacher.We did science in the future scene as well.
 We have to send our completed amazing movie to America and they will send it onto the school up in the North Island, one does the speaking and does the theme music.
For the futrue scene we have used the green screen as you can see in my photos, 
In my opinion I enjoyed filming that future scene the best because I got to act in it. I have learnt how to film properly which I really liked doing.

                                                      THE END  
                                                         By Rishap

Monday 2 September 2013

Mine craft classroom Design

Today I would like to tell about our exciting mission that I have achieved this term.Room 3 have been learning about Minecraft.We had to put a library, a computer room and learning rooms into our designs. We all are doing MineCraft .We had to brain storm then we had to draw our ideas in our book.We all have our class room designs in our books.
We started MineCraft 6 weeks a go.When we started everyone was used to it because we had an expert to help us. Our designs needed to include display walls, water supply, reading lab and storage.We needed a kitchen.We needed a dancing floor .We needed a library with suitable storage.
Our classrooms had to have sufficient heating. The Water supply needed blocks around the water because the classroom will get floored and the people will be angry.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

All about me

Hello my name is Rishap.This is my story about all about me so I am going tell little bit about me at home I play chest with my sister I win everytime when I play chest.At school I play hockey with my friends. At home I help my mum do the dishes.Today in the monring I played on my tablet all was like I told you . My favourite spots tv program is rugby and soccer.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

27.06.13 Hello I am from Fiji

Hello my name is Rishap. I come from the beautiful Pacific Island called Fiji. I moved to Christchurch when I was two years old and now I am eight years old, so I have lived here for six years. Christchurch is now my home but I do miss Fiji. 
  I miss my family very much and my dad. Mum miss their parent time together.

In October my family is coming from Fiji to stay with us.I am going to move house from my old house to my new house.Next door and I will be at Addtin school.My dad will be next in the garage I can go there any time I want to. The end 

By Rishap